Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Still Alive

Yes I am still alive. I have not had much time recently to really work on a whole lot of outside projects. In July of this year I took on a different position at work which initially has taken up a lot of time as we have been starting out a new department. I have also been doing quite a few things with Lindsay and Hailey and the rest of my family. That doesn't mean that I haven't been doing anything art related though. Currently I am building a web site out of flash to be used by our department and other members of the management team as well so that has been really exciting. When I have found a few minutes though I have worked on a painting that I have been playing with in Painter. At first it just started out with playing with different brushes to experiment with texture, but then for some random reason I added a fish and a yellow background. It's been fun to play around with it, but don't ask me the meaning of it cause I have no idea.


claytonhansenphotography said...

So what does the yellow and the fish mean? I just don't get it.

Unknown said...

hey man this is lookin great for a first time. good job, glad to hear you are busy. no uvu is not doing any free figure drawing session at the moment. however I am trying to start one up! I will let you know when we start doing things.