Well I was talking to a friend the other day about some photography stuff, and we were talking about taking pictures using HDR techniques and some of the neat effect you can get with it, but also some of the ways it can be overdone. Well I told him that I hadn't actually done any actual pictures using that technique with my camera yet, but that I had tried to imitate the actual technique with some photos that I had taken a little while back, so here are a few that I think turned out ok.
This was taken up in Midway in the fall a couple of years ago
This was taken up in Bryce Canyon on a cloudy day
This was taken in New York City
This was taken in Brazil (Brasil for those who know the right way to spell it)at Foz de Iguacu
Well I promised that I was going to post this piece of work even though I am not satisfied with it. I was wanting to do a sketch of an old truck, so I started this piece out with the sketch, and wasn't sure what I was going to do with it. (Maybe next time I'll do a few composition sketches, and brainstorm it out a little more.) So this piece is definitely unfinished and probably will just sit until maybe one day I revisit it.
I decided to try out our new point and shoot cannon digital camera on some night shots of fireworks. Well my nephews and daughter were playing with glow sticks and that seemed to be the most interesting thing for me, so I took a couple of pics. Here are a few that I liked.
Lindsay and I went on a cruise to the Bahamas in December. I took these two pictures while we were on a walk in Nassau. I took a few other pictures and I think I'm going to make another attempt at some digital painting hopefully soon. Right now I'm finishing my basement so we'll see how soon I post that.
Yes I am still alive. I have not had much time recently to really work on a whole lot of outside projects. In July of this year I took on a different position at work which initially has taken up a lot of time as we have been starting out a new department. I have also been doing quite a few things with Lindsay and Hailey and the rest of my family. That doesn't mean that I haven't been doing anything art related though. Currently I am building a web site out of flash to be used by our department and other members of the management team as well so that has been really exciting. When I have found a few minutes though I have worked on a painting that I have been playing with in Painter. At first it just started out with playing with different brushes to experiment with texture, but then for some random reason I added a fish and a yellow background. It's been fun to play around with it, but don't ask me the meaning of it cause I have no idea.
I started to work on this a while back, and I finally decided it was time to finish it. I think there are still some things I would like to do to it though. I think I might go back and put in some text and some other graphic elements.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
This was a billboard ad that I made for my last class I took over the summer. I had to create an ad that created awareness of gun safety.
I graduated from UVSC in 2007 and am working as a manager at 1800 Contacts. I am also working part time as an Art Director for Natural Quest International